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 Clan FpR™ Forum Rules!

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Number of posts : 101
Registration date : 2007-03-17

Clan FpR™ Forum Rules! Empty
PostSubject: Clan FpR™ Forum Rules!   Clan FpR™ Forum Rules! EmptySat Mar 17, 2007 11:40 am

1. Have good manners and respect each other.

This is the basic requirement. If you cannot keep
a good manner or cannot respect each other, you can be kicked out of the clan.

2. Stay on Topic
Because of members not staying on topic, the topic can be closed or deleted. Please stay on topic.

3. No multiple posts to increase ranks

The ranking system is based on how many posts you have posted in the
forum. Depending on your rank, you can get a higher chance to be Shaman. If any attempt of posting on a sole purpose of getting your rank up is found, you will be kicked out of the clan.

4. Keep the text font/size etc, clean.

We do not have a standard to this rule. Just write your text so it's
readable. No flashy text, huge fonts or text color that is similar
with the background of text box.

5. No adult materials

No pornography, alcohol, tobacco or any materials that deals with
adultery. Any member who uploads an adult material will get their account banned immidiately and permenantly.

6. All posts needs to be in English

To avoid confusions and possible disputes, all members are required to
post in English only. If you have troubles writing in English, use the
translator provided by so we can
understand each other to a certain extent.

(C) Clan FpR™ 2007 by ZeroX2)Fire

Got another suggestion for a rule? Private message me!
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